free resume writing resources
A collection of recommended websites and resume writing/careers resources to help you create the best possible resume.
Free resume writing e-course: I wrote this course to help job seekers understand how to create a compelling resume that gets results. You are guaranteed to learn something you didn't know!
Career Hub: Career Hub is a group blog that connects job seekers with the best minds in career counseling, resume writing, personal branding and recruiting. This truly excellent expert advice is frequently updated. Well worth subscribing to the RSS feed or email updates.

How to Write a Resume by Rockport Institute: This article is an excerpt from the excellent book, Pathfinders, which you can find in our bookstore. It contains some excellent advice about how to approach your resume.
Job Seekers Advice: This website is actually a UK website, but it contains a lot of good resources and advice, as well as discussion forums.
Free Resume Samples: You can learn a lot by looking at what other people do. This selection of resume samples will help you to see how a professional resume writer creates career marketing documents that really work.
So You Wanna Write a Great Resume? This site is geared to students and recent graduates, but most of the advice is applicable to everyone and it's very solid. Excellent collection of career-related blogs and websites. You could get lost for days here!
Blue Sky Resumes Blog: This is my own blog, and focuses on all aspects of job search although I do tend to focus most on resume writing and career marketing in general.
Career Journal: An excellent collection of articles and advice that is regularly updated, but with a great archive too.
To learn how to completely transform your resume, sign up for my free resume writing course . We promise never to send sales spam.
